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#30days ... my office, apple, freelance

I am grateful for ...

My office — The room itself is in a great facility and both Seasons and my own office have an aesthetic that's serene and pretty and professional. I am proud to welcome new clients into the space and I know my current clients are really comfortable there. For a place that feels like me and provides an environment that's conducive to healing, I am thankful on a daily basis.

Apple — I've been a "mac girl" since 2004, beginning the day I became a design/production intern. A decade later, the closest I've come to operating a non-apple tech/media device (on a regular basis) was the few tragic months I owned an Android phone in 2012. For saving me from hours of "blue screens", hard drive fails and virus headaches, I am grateful for Apple.

My freelance opportunities — For being able to occasionally make needed money doing things that come easy and/or natural to me, I am blessed.

The Mr.'s freelance opportunities — For the places and people that value his expertise and pay him for it, I am thankful.

on catching up: copy, clients and colorado


I know, it's been awhile! Miss me?

Anyway, aside from prepping for (and going on) my FIRST EVER ski vacation (we'll get to that in a second), I've been writing less because I've actually been writing more. I'm freelance copywriting a lot these days to bridge the financial gap left by last year's career switch. I'm writing marketing and technical copy for everything under the sun — from a party hat company to a small business IT solutions provider ... with a little HVAC repair, medical equipment supplier and roofing contractor thrown in! (Need a copywriter? Get in touch.)

So, my downtime has ceased to exist ... and, while I'm occasionally annoyed by that, I'm grateful for the opportunity to make money at something that utilizes one of my giftings and seems to flow pretty effortlessly.

Now, sitting with clients in therapy? Yea, that's still not so effortless. I'd say the days of sheer terror and intense feelings of inadequacy are fewer, but this new career (and the by-product business venture) continues to poke all my buttons. Seven and a half months in, I'm not where I want to be (hours and client load-wise) and that's disappointing. However, I've done some stuff I couldn't have imagined doing 7.5 months ago (like writing curriculum for and leading a 7-week class for 70 women) and that's encouraging. I am growing into the empathetic, helping professional I'm designed to be and that's kind of cool ... (Know someone looking for a counselor? Send them my way.)

Beyond that (Beware! GUSH ALERT!) ... I'm falling more in love with the Mr. every day. In this man is such a wonderful pairing of youth and maturity. Innocence and wisdom. Humor and sensitivity. Whether he's wakeboarding in a wetsuit in February, taking a GoPro for a sled ride, posting worship highlights, burning wood palettes, buying me flowers, researching stock options, cuddling on the couch to watch "the shows", scratching Moose or making faces at the nephews, he's 100% committed and delightful. For getting to know him best and getting to be with him the most ... I am the luckiest.



Finally, the ski vacation. It was fantastic! I love me some Colorado — at least in the winter, in the midst of crazy snow storms ... and as a vacationer. I'm a #FloridaGirl, so this was my first time experiencing single digit temperature lows and FALLING SNOW and 36" of fluffy powder on the ground. It was crazy ... and beautiful ... and I can't wait to go again!

Here's a quick glimpse (and related linkage) of the trip: