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#30days ... nephews, firepits

I'm grateful for ...

The best gifts my brothers ever gave me — my nephews are just a delight to know and watch grow. I may be partial, but I'm pretty sure my four nephews are the cutest kids on the planet.

Yesterday, as I was walking a fussy Caleb away from the crowd at Wyatt's baseball game, Miles started calling my name. Once he had my attention, he ran to catch up and hang out. We pulled weeds out of the sidewalk cracks. It was awesome. They're awesome. My hope and prayer is to be a helpful and fun place for all the little guys to run to throughout their life ... in the meantime (and always), I'm just thankful to be their aunt!

Firepits — Peaceful and communal, a little ring of fire is a great way to end a day. The Mr. and I light ours up an average of a couple times a week, and we're always game for joining others around theirs. I'm thankful for the heat and how it draws people together.