I have yet to find the routine that frees me up to write during this stage of life. And, I really want that to change - having a written record of the experiences, emotions and engagements that make up this season would really be beautiful … and helpful, as so much of this season is SURVIVAL and, as a result, the memories so easily lost to high cortisol and adrenaline levels. So, I still hope I’ll figure it out. In the meantime, I’ll pound out some updates for posterity:

We’re moving again. To another rental. The housing market has been in some unprecedented places lately - high demand, low inventory, tiny interest rates, and a work-from-home pandemic ripple effect has made it nearly impossible for the average middle-class family to grab a comfortable home in a good area. So, we continue to rent. The temporary-ness and the constant transition is a headache (and, honestly, a bit of a heartache for me - homes, home decorating, building, renovating … those have been lifelong interests and dreams of mine), but we’re just doing what needs to be done and hoping the market will mellow in the next couple of years. We’ll see.

Until then, we’re gaining some space and staying in a good area - even if also increasing our rent. Eh.

Our oldest will jump into VPK at NCD in August. It may be her last year in formal school. We’ll see. I really do still have a heart to homeschool. I am not holding that desire too tightly (I really want to what’s best for her and for our relationship), but I am researching and preparing for it to be our reality. I supplement school using The Good and the the Beautiful curriculum (we’re toward the end of their Preschool level and will be starting their Kindergarten Prep and Math K levels following) and lots of library books, read alouds, and activities and worksheets here and there from Busy Toddler and Harbor & Sprout. So far, so good. She loves it all - calls it “homework” and ask for it regularly.

Our youngest is such a sweet and wonderful addition to our family - she absolutely adores her sister and clings to her momma. She’s snotty and sick right now (we have been on a roller coaster of colds and infections amongst us all for what seems like MONTHS), but girl loves being outside and playing in the water. It’s so fun to watch …

Work-wise, the Mr. is still working on iOS apps and I’m still navigating how to drum up business while totally consumed with this life with littles. So far, I have not found the key!

Alright, that’s it for now. Until next time,