This past week with the oldest has been ROUGH. Just this morning, she hit me three times. She just up and started pushing boundaries and being super defiant. She is NOT fun to be around in those irrational and intense, big feeling moments. They’ve been starting early and lasting all day. It is beyond frustrating … and such HARD work to navigate how it triggers us and still be loving and a safe place for her to work it all out within.

She’s three, so it’s to be expected, but it came on fast and the Mr. and I are kind of experiencing some whiplash.

So, in a dramatic shift from where we were just a couple weeks back, time with the youngest has been a legit BREAK. As she’s escaped her digestive pains, she’s getting more predictable (eat, sleep, play, etc.) and wonderfully smiley and snuggly.

It’s been so nice to go feed her in her room, rocking in the glider, listening to the sound machines.

I read that line and it’s almost comical - this is my life now - looking forward to moments in a glider burping a baby to escape the demanding chaos that is our preschooler. 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️

Welcome to parenthood, eh?

